
In her 1984 blockbuster single, Tina Turner begged the question, “what’s love got to do with it?” She went on to suggest that love is nothing more than a second hand emotion. As Valentine’s Day approaches and we reflect on all those people who bring meaning to our life, I think I must humbly disagree with the singing sensation. Love has everything to do with it.
It’s fun to hear about and witness the numerous ways people express love to their spouses, significant others, children, parents and friends. My colleague Mimi and her husband Dick share an intimate moment with us on a regular basis. Whenever Dick is driving down South Beach Street, he slows his van as he approaches Lee Real Estate, beeps the horn twice and tosses a wave and a cute smile our way. Months ago, when I first noticed the drive-by flirtation, I began announcing to the office, “Honk if you love Mimi!” whenever the beep-beep sounded. Everyone laughs, Mimi chuckles and blushes a little and the heartfelt gesture makes us all smile and feel the love.
In our family love gets served up in all sorts of ways. My piping hot cup of coffee gets delivered to me with a grin and a smooch every morning by my husband and Valentine of 30 years. My grandmother used to share the love by sending each of her six grandchildren a card for every holiday with a $5 bill tucked inside. This was a blue collar hard working grandma who didn’t have the cash to spare so the sentiment ran deep. She might as well have put a million dollars in those cards because the love that single bill and the hand written “I love you” conveyed can’t be measured. She’s been gone almost 16 years and even today I can remember exactly how those cards made me feel.
Nantucket is famous for its love stories. People arrive here as starry eyed teenagers for their first job and meet the love of their life. Some spend every summer of their childhood on the island with summer neighbors or friends who end up being their soulmate. Still others have a multi-generation history here, a romance that dates back to elementary school and culminates in a Nantucket wedding with all the trimmings. Each story is unique and each is steeped in love…and it’s never a second hand emotion.
Why not make plans to celebrate those you love this Valentines weekend by planning something special on Nantucket? Reserve a cozy table for two at Town or Queequegs. Take in a movie at The Dreamland or the Starlight Theater & Cafe and then stop by Dune for a nightcap and dessert. Or, stroll off into the sunset with your Valentine on Madaket Beach. If you’re looking for that “special something” to show you care, you can invest in some custom designed jewelry pieces from Nantucket’s own Jessica Hicks, Susan Lister Locke or Heidi Weddendorf. Or, just hop in your car and take a drive by your loved-one’s place of work or favorite hangout. Tap the horn a couple of times and melt a few hearts.
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