
In the 1996 romantic comedy, One Fine Day, titled for the 1963 Chiffons song by the same name, the captivating Michelle Pfeiffer and George Clooney collide in what turns out to be, in fact, one fine day. As some playful antics unfold, Clooney’s Jack Taylor informs his young daughter, “That’s one of the advantages of being an adult. You get to act like a kid anytime you feel like it.” Nantucket has a way of stirring up this sentiment in all of us. Every day is a fine day on our island…especially when we tap into our inner child.
I had the pleasure of dining with a client and new friend this summer who was spending a week on the island with her sister and her son (an only child). Her son is off to his final semester at aeronautics school this fall and then on to conquer the world. He’s already been recruited to fly for the Air Force come February. My friend knows her leisure time with him is about to be severely limited and I was impressed by how they both committed to make their days on Nantucket count. As they recounted their island adventures to me at the end of a jam-packed week, there was one day in particular that I found to be especially inspiring.
Up before daybreak on a seemingly average summer morning, they climbed on their rented bicycles in town and began the long trek to Sconset in the dark. Determined to watch the sun rise-up over the Atlantic Ocean, they peddled intently and arrived on the island’s easternmost edge just as the sky was illuminating. I love the photo (above) that she shared with me…that of mother photographing son, capturing the moment on his own device. Sharing the moment together, while giving each other the space to independently appreciate the meaning it holds.
As the day wore on, they made their way through the moors, out to the beaches, with a stop at Cisco Brewery to raise a glass and catch their breath. The day concluded with an evening stop at Steps Beach where they watched, along with their sister/aunt, as the sun slowly dipped back into the water. As they described the days events to me, even they were in awe that they had seen the sun rise and set on this beautiful island…squeezing every sacred moment it offered from the day. The two of them…mother and son…have inspired me to remember what an unbelievable opportunity we have to live life the same way. Sun up to sun down, never missing a single moment of Nantucket’s daily specials.
If you are lucky enough to still be on island this fall…well, you’re lucky enough. The weather is spectacular, the colors are breathtaking, the air is fresh and there are days when the only sound you hear are the geese honking overhead and the ferry horn blowing in the harbor. If you’ve returned home, but are longing for a little Nantucket refresher, make your way here for a long weekend or more. The days are getting shorter now, but there’s still plenty of magic to delight you between the rising and setting sun.
Good Day.

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