
Nantucket may be one of the few places on earth where a tiny brightly lit tree proudly displayed in a bobbing rowboat symbolizes the beginning of the holiday season. Those of us who know, love, frequent or call Nantucket home look forward to the opportunity to slide onto a bench on Easy Street during the month of December, sip some hot cocoa and reflect on the beauty of the holiday. Katie Kaizer, of Katie Kaizer Photography, captured the essence of the island spirit beautifully in the photo above.
This past weekend there was an abundance of festive décor and holiday cheer as Nantucket celebrated its annual Christmas Stroll and Nantucket Noel. The island was brimming with enthusiastic shoppers, first time visitors and returning tenants, homeowners, family and friends. The Whaling Museum displayed the fabulous Festival of Trees, downtown streets were illuminated with glittering trees and shop windows showcased a winter wonderland of holiday merchandise.
Hundreds of little boys and girls (and plenty of big ones too!) were squealing with delight as Santa and Mrs.Claus arrived on the Coastguard Cutter Saturday afternoon. The Town Crier announced their arrival with the clanging of his bell while leading the large crowd up Main Street and over to the Jared Coffin House. Carolers attired in period costumes provided the musical backdrop for the days events and in spite of the drizzly weather, a good time was had by all.
The weekend calendar left very little white space, with holiday activities abounding for young and old. But for our family and likely dozens of others, the most special celebrations took place around dining tables either in homes or at favorite restaurants. Friday night found us at home with a crackling fire and an intimate candlelit dinner shared with long time Nantucket friends we hadn’t seen since last years Christmas Stroll. Saturday we joined old friends and new at American Seasons where we feasted on roasted duck and seared salmon, shared favorite Nantucket stories and toasted to good friends, Christmas Stroll and the island we all love. These meaningful relationships and the opportunity to reconnect remind us all what’s truly important during the holiday season.
Charles Dickens must have had Nantucket on his mind when he created A Christmas Carol. No matter your mood when the Christmas Stroll weekend begins, before it’s over you find yourself flooded with feelings of joy, love, goodwill and a full dose of the Christmas spirit. May this Nantucket holiday euphoria continue all the way to Christmas morning.
Shellie Dunlap
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