
Highly acclaimed American Songwriter Hank Fellows intones in his inspirational ballad New Day Dawning, “I can feel it in my heart, a time of hope and healing, a chance for a brand new start.” As I watched the sun rise up over my snow covered back lawn last week, I was reminded of the hope and healing that a sunrise holds. With spring officially on the calendar now, each sunrise holds not only the promise of a new day but a whole new season as well.
There can be no question that it’s been one of the toughest Nantucket winters on record. Mother Nature was in rare form (and apparently in a rip-roaring bad mood) for months on end. But frankly, the weather was the least of our worries. Our island has spent the winter grieving…losing children, mothers, fathers, siblings, friends and neighbors to illness, accidents, addictions and suicides. There is no way to candy coat it and no need to pretend it’s anything other than awful. Nantucket has a collective broken heart.
We are grateful and relieved for the arrival of spring…the promise of better days and that time of hope and healing that Hank Fellows sings about. As the sun rises up over our little island each morning it reminds us to look ahead, even while we work together to continue comforting our friends and neighbors who are hurting. We are grateful to live on an island that by her very nature helps restore its people to wholeness.
The Grey Lady stretches wide her arms from shore to shore, shakes off the winter ick and beckons us to let the beauty and magic of her springtime sights, sounds and scents rejuvenate us. As the daffodils wiggle their winter weary heads through the crusty soil, we’re reminded Nantucket will soon be illuminated in a sea of yellow, the color of happy. As the days grow ever longer, we’re afforded more opportunities for long walks in Sanford Farms listening to the birds and strolls along the beautiful beaches as we inhale the fresh sea air. We look ahead with optimism and anticipation to warm summer days, the opening of new shops and restaurants and the return of our off island friends, family and guests.
As the dawn breaks over Nantucket this spring, take the opportunity to embrace each new day while exploring some of her hidden treasures. Hike to Alter Rock for a bird’s eye view of the island or head out to Smith’s Point for your own private beach experience. Invite some friends along for a bike ride to ‘Sconset or organize an early season picnic overlooking the harbor…or on your own back porch. Celebrate the dawn of each new day, the arrival of spring and the good fortune we all have to do life together on Nantucket.
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