
Famed American photographer Ansel Adams inferred that he would often arrive at places just as God was ready to have someone click the shutter. Adams was legendary for his technical prowess with the camera, but perhaps best known for capturing the sentiment and emotion of the American landscapes that were not only his subjects, but his passion. Art in general, in whatever medium, has the ability to ignite passion not only in the artist, but certainly in the lucky ones who end up with the artwork in their possession.
The Artists Association of Nantucket held its annual Summer Gala this past weekend where dozens of local artists had their works featured and auctioned. While the Gala is always one of the biggest soirees of the summer with lots of great food, wine, fashion and conversation with summer friends and fellow residents…it’s also a moment in time to pause and reflect on the enormous talent our island artists possess and their ability to memorialize the sheer beauty of where we live. I found myself stopped cold in front of several of the paintings and photographs, recounting family memories of long walks in the dunes, picnics on the sand beaches and sunset toasts.
If it’s true that a picture’s worth a thousand words (and I’m a big believer it is!), then it’s also true that a picture of a Nantucket scene must be worth 10,000 memories. The local artists on the island have a unique opportunity to not only use their talents with a paintbrush, sketchpad or camera, but also to present a gift to the recipient of more than just a pretty piece of art. Nantucket scenes…the harbor, the dunes, private beach paths, crashing waves, bobbing sailboats, lighthouses, fog covered bogs, rose covered cottages and many more…evoke emotion in all of us who love the Grey Lady. We share a bond with the artist and with a myriad of other Nantucket loyalists who have their own memories of the scenes depicted in the images.
Local photographers are continuing to gain acclaim for their ability to capture the soul of the island in print. Kit Noble is showcasing his collection “Water Proof” at the Nantucket Hotel this month with fabulous and unique perspectives of the various personalities of the water around Nantucket. Our own resident rockstar photographer for Lee Real Estate, Susan Lee, opened her first gallery – the Susan A. Lee Gallery – right next door to our office this month. Her beautifully framed prints of the island depict its beauty, but more than that they bring to life the Nantucket story. Each one capturing intricate details that our naked eyes miss in the moment, but giving us the opportunity to hold onto through her artwork.
The next time you’re strolling the streets of downtown Nantucket searching for that perfect painting or print to grace your walls, stop into one of the many local galleries, showcase events or perhaps commission a local artist to capture a specific image for you. Every time you look at the piece you’ll share the artist’s passion and be reminded of the scenes and memories that are part of your Nantucket Experience.
Picture perfect.
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