Shellie's Blog

23 Jan 2018

The Big Chill (on Nantucket)

In the 1983 cult classic film, “The Big Chill,” a group of college friends discover that the secret to enduring life’s difficulties is to face them together. The tag line for the movie is “in a cold world you need your friends to keep you warm.” Although the theme of the movie has nothing to…

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09 Jan 2018

New Year Goals

Merriam-Webster defines a goal as “an end toward which effort is directed” or “the terminal point of a race.” It’s a place we’re headed…a destination we’re striving for…an arrival point reached only by an intentional level of investment, exertion and perhaps good old-fashioned faith. A goal is different than a resolution, which is simply a…

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12 Dec 2017

Nantucket Christmas Joy

For anyone who has ever lived in or visited a small town during the holidays, there may be no more heartwarming movie scene than the one from “It’s A Wonderful Life” where George Bailey discovers that Clarence the angel has granted him a new lease on life. He runs through the snow-covered streets of his…

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28 Nov 2017

Nantucket Progress

Henry Ford might have known a little something about progress.  He once famously said, “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.”  It seems he identified the three key ingredients for getting things done. He knew, most importantly, that whatever he might have the creative genius to accomplish could only…

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14 Nov 2017

Red Sky

  In one of William Shakespeare’s earliest works from 1593, he penned sentiments about Venus and Adonis that referenced the ability of the sky to foreshadow the weather. “Like a red morn that ever yet betokened,” he wrote, “wreck to the seaman, tempest to the field, sorrow to the shepherds, woe unto the birds, gusts…

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