21 Aug 2018
In the 2015 hit film, “The Man Who Knew Infinity,” Jeremy Irons character G.H. Hardy advices his subjects to remain open-minded to the ever-changing world around them. “Change, gentlemen,” Hardy muses. “It’s a beautiful thing. Embrace it.” On Nantucket, like everywhere in the universe, change is inevitable. We love preserving history, our island resources and…
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07 Aug 2018
In the 2014 American Comedy-Drama film, “Chef,” Jonathan Favreau‘s character Carl makes a life altering decision to quit his job as a top chef at a high-end Los Angeles restaurant. Disenchanted with the traditional food industry, its critics and the “box” he felt he was in stifling his creativity, Carl accepts a friend’s offer of…
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24 Jul 2018
Henry David Thoreau spent two years at Walden Pond contemplating nature, the human psyche and life itself. Among multiple other revelations expressed in his famed book “Walden,” he concluded that, “Our life is frittered away by detail.” “Simplify, Simplify,” Thoreau beseeched his readers. Even on a tiny body of sand 30 miles out to sea,…
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10 Jul 2018
Who can forget the heart-wrenching scene in the final minutes of the blockbuster hit Braveheart. William Wallace (aka Mel Gibson) musters his last ounce of strength, raises his head and utters the guttural shout heard round the world – FREEDOM! With the celebration of our nation’s liberty on the calendar last week it seems the…
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26 Jun 2018
In his 2011 best seller, “It’s All About the Bike: The Pursuit of Happiness on Two Wheels,” author Rob Penn takes readers through not only the history of the bicycle, but his personal reasons for claiming it as his preferred mode of transport for 36 years. “I ride to get to work,” he writes, “to…
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