26 Dec 2011
I’m not sure whether it’s the beautiful decorations lining the streets of downtown Nantucket, the dropping temps outside or the thinning crowds as the quiet season sets in, but when I step on to Main Street after a long work day, I feel like I’ve walked into a private winter wonderland. The setting looks like…
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13 Dec 2011
There’s a giant Christmas Tree perched at the top of Nantucket’s Main Street beckoning visitors to gather ’round and embrace the holiday season. The theme of this year’s tree is “Dear Santa.” Topped off with a Santa hat, it is aptly decorated with “ornaments” which are real-life letters to Santa written by Nantucket school kids….
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06 Dec 2011
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas – everywhere you go on Nantucket! The kids were out en masse this past week decorating all the trees on Main Street. Entire classrooms from the Nantucket Schools descended on downtown, arms laden with decorations. The children could hardly contain their enthusiasm as they took their turn…
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29 Nov 2011
What prompts a few hundred men, women and children to shed their outerwear and run headlong into the frigid Atlantic Ocean on Thanksgiving morning? More than a few spectators were likely asking this very question last Thursday as they gathered on Children’s Beach to watch the Tenth Annual Nantucket Cold Turkey Plunge. Perhaps it’s the…
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22 Nov 2011
With temperatures in the high 50’s and low 60’s these past few weeks, it’s impossible to believe Thanksgiving is already upon us. It seems like just yesterday we were winding down our beach days. I hear it everywhere I go – time is flying by. As a kid, I always heard my grandmother say that…
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