14 Feb 2012
Forrest Gump was on my mind this past week as I spent some time in Sweet Inspirations, the chocolatier on Center Street. If Forrest had been there with me he likely would have modified his famous line. “Life is like a box… or bag…or Sailors Valentine filled tin – of light or dark chocolates. ”…
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31 Jan 2012
The pace has slowed and the “events” calendar is a bit light right now, but there is no shortage of things to do on any given night on Nantucket. Many of the restaurants are still open showcasing winter specials. The Atheneum offers weekly lectures, documentaries and specialty classes. Listen to Blues, try your hand at…
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18 Jan 2012
It’s hard to believe we are in the dead of winter here on Nantucket when the temps continue to be mild and precipitation light. People island-wide clamor to find activities they can enjoy outdoors. In recent weeks, the bike paths have been busy with cycling enthusiasts, joggers and the occasional roller-blader. Side streets outside downtown…
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03 Jan 2012
Hang around a group of college kids for a few days and you can’t help but get excited about the future. We spent the holidays with family and good friends who have kids similar in age to our 19 year old daughter Ashlie. Listening to them talk about their current college studies, short-term goals and…
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27 Dec 2011
Remember the opening scene from the 70’s sitcom All in the Family? Archie and Edith Bunker sitting side by side at the family piano singing “Those Were The Days” at the top of their voices. The show was crass, politically incorrect and mostly inappropriate…but we tuned in each week because it made us laugh and…
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