24 Apr 2012
I’ve had a front row seat this spring watching the island awaken bright and early from its short winter slumber. As I look across Main Street and down Centre from my second floor office window, I have a clear view of the many trees lining the streets. Typically this time of year, we can tell…
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10 Apr 2012
Last weekend, while sitting in a jam-packed auditorium at the Nantucket High School during the annual Nantucket Town Meeting, I felt like I was on an episode of NBC’s blockbuster hit “The Voice.” For those 1-2 of you who have never seen it, it works like this: Contestants are given a brief few minutes to…
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27 Mar 2012
Living on a tiny island 22 miles out to sea has countless perks and benefits, but it doesn’t come without its challenges…particularly when it comes to everyday life. You can’t just swing through the McDonald’s drive-thru for a quick burger. You can’t pop into Target or BJ’s to load up on household supplies….
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13 Mar 2012
In their hit song “Built to Last,” the Grateful Dead croon that some things are “built to last while years roll past like cloudscapes in the sky, show me something built to last or someone built to try.” I wonder if any of “The Dead” (as loyal “Deadheads” refer to them) ever visited Nantucket and…
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28 Feb 2012
There’s nothing like an election year to bring out the patriot in all of us. From the Downeyflake, to the Fog Island Café and over to The Bean in Nantucket, to local coffee shops around the country, there are conversations taking place about the U.S constitution, our rights and freedoms as U.S. citizens and…
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