29 Jan 2013
As a kid growing up in a small Iowa farm community, winter was one of my favorite seasons. There is just nothing like a good Midwest blizzard to modify the day’s plans. My favorite part of any snowstorm was that moment mom would knock softly on my bedroom door in the wee morning hours to…
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15 Jan 2013
We are used to seeing trees on Main Street on Nantucket; it’s easy to take them for granted. Today, the two large Elms in front of Pacific National Bank were taken down. Trees that stood for decades flanking the bank building finally succumbed to a disease they couldn’t resist. While some other variety will surely be planted…
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15 Jan 2013
Remember that classic scene in the movie “Field of Dreams” when Ray Kinsella (aka Mr. Dreamy himself Kevin Costner) is walking through his Iowa corn field and hears “A Voice” whisper “If you build it, he will come.” His wife is skeptical, but allows him to plow under the corn and build a baseball diamond….
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18 Dec 2012
The stockings are lovingly hung by many Nantucket chimneys, strands of twinkling lights expertly displayed on trees, shrubs and rooftops. Cookies, fudge and even the proverbial fruitcake or two have been baked and delivered to teachers, friends and neighbors. The island holiday spirit is evident in the beautiful window displays, the wreaths proudly mounted on…
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04 Dec 2012
Nantucket may be one of the few places on earth where a tiny brightly lit tree proudly displayed in a bobbing rowboat symbolizes the beginning of the holiday season. Those of us who know, love, frequent or call Nantucket home look forward to the opportunity to slide onto a bench on Easy Street during the…
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