09 Apr 2013
Las Vegas and Atlantic City had nothing on Nantucket Island on a recent blustery Friday evening. The third floor of the Dreamland Theatre was transformed into a Vegas style casino complete with Craps Table, Roulette wheel and Blackjack tables…all to raise money for the Montessori Children’s School of Nantucket. Guests were treated to passed appetizers,…
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27 Mar 2013
I always assumed that the “Luck of the Irish” was a good thing – a reference to the many ways my Irish ancestors and friends have discovered their own personal pots of gold. My uncle recently enlightened me that the phrase is also used to characterize bad luck – who knew? Upon doing a little…
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12 Mar 2013
After a busy hustle bustle tourist season on Nantucket and a winter wrought with one storm after the next, many of the local residents – particularly those in service related industries – look forward to a few coveted days of rest and relaxation. I had the opportunity to “get away from it all” for a…
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26 Feb 2013
I’m a creature of habit – sometimes to a fault. I held on to my outdated flip-phone long after my friends and family had hopped on the band wagon of smart phone people, strictly because it was familiar (and wasn’t smarter than me!) I rarely re-arrange my furniture, prefer to frequent the same restaurants and…
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12 Feb 2013
My husband Dan, the Eagle Scout, has never forgotten the Boy Scout motto – “Be Prepared.” As the weather people began forecasting an “Epic” storm for New England last week, we initiated an inventory of what we might need in the event the storm behaved as badly as predicted. Unlike his sometimes Nervous Nellie wife…
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