Shellie's Blog

05 Nov 2013

Lions, Tigers and Bears on Nantucket

Remember the scene from the Wizard of Oz when the Wizard presents a ticking red heart to the Tin Man and suggests that “A heart is not judged by how much you love; but by how much you are loved by others?” If there is a sliver of truth to this, then Nantucket’s heart must…

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22 Oct 2013

Nantucket Island Family Affair

For those of us in the Baby Boomer generation and beyond, the phrase “Family Affair” brings to mind the 1960’s sitcom of the same name.  The dashing and debonair Uncle Bill is charged with raising his brother’s three young children. A daunting task for a successful corporate bachelor, manageable only with the assistance of his “right…

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08 Oct 2013

Nantucket Happy Meal

Anna Thomas, the highly acclaimed author of several cookbooks, including the popular “Love Soup” once said, “We all eat and it would be a sad waste of opportunity to eat badly.”  When you’re lucky enough to visit or live on Nantucket the odds are incredibly slim you’ll ever stumble across a bad meal. Our little island…

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24 Sep 2013

Change Of Pace on Nantucket

The fresh and funny author Alexandra Potter writes in her entertaining The Two Lives of Miss Charlotte Merryweather, “My legs are programmed to trot briskly and my arms to pump up and down like pistons, but I force myself to stroll past the stalls and pavement cafes. To enjoy just being somewhere, rather than rushing from somewhere, to…

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10 Sep 2013

Footprints in Nantucket Sand

I have a favorite picture frame displayed prominently on my desk with an engraved quote that reads, “Our memories of the ocean will linger on, long after our footprints in the sand are gone.” The special moment preserved in this frame is one of all of my children gathered together on Cisco Beach on a…

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