09 Apr 2019
John Dewey once wrote, “Democracy must be born anew every generation and education is its midwife.” With a similar sentiment, Thomas Jefferson famously declared that “information is the currency of democracy.” As I sat in the jam-packed Nantucket high school auditorium last week for the Annual Town Meeting, I was inspired by the many young…
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26 Mar 2019
In her 2012 debut novel, The Road to Mercy, author Kathy Harris shares the wisdom of an elderly gentlemen about life’s detours. “Perhaps the old man had chosen to look up through-or at least around-his problems while still smiling,” Harris pens, “knowing that a detour didn’t have to alter the destination, it merely changed the…
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12 Mar 2019
In his 1989 hit single, “Treasure Island” from the album titled “More To This Life,” Steven Curtis Chapman eloquently describes the effects the treasures of an island have on our soul. “The moon’s waving the world goodbye,” Chapman croons. “The morning sun smiles and lights the sky. I hear the waves crashing into shore; The…
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26 Feb 2019
Acclaimed fashion designer Marc Jacobs says this about change: “Change is a great and horrible thing, and people love it or hate it at the same time. Without change, however, you just don’t move” (or in this case moooove – sorry, I had to). It was a great and horrible thing for Nantucket a few…
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12 Feb 2019
Julia Child once famously quipped, “People who love to eat are always the best people.” This lady knew her audience and was astute in her assessments. There’s nothing like good food to bring us simple joy and create a common bond among would be strangers or fellow friends and neighbors. This was our reaction last…
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