Shellie's Blog

27 Jan 2015

Standing Together On Nantucket


Last week the nation paused to honor the life of a man whose courage and wisdom still impact us today. If Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had ever visited Nantucket, he might have modified one of his most famous quotes to say, “The ultimate measure of an island is not where it stands in moments…

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13 Jan 2015

Frozen On Nantucket

In a memorable scene from the Academy Award winning blockbuster, Frozen, Hans the Prince implores Elsa the Snow Queen to “Stop the winter please and bring back summer.” To which Elsa responds, “Don’t you see…I can’t!” Tens of thousands nationwide were wishing they could “bring back summer” these past couple of weeks as a record-breaking…

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16 Dec 2014

Nantucket Cinderella

Photo courtesy of TWN and pixel perfect nantucket The glass slipper certainly caused a hullabaloo on the Bennett Hall Stage this month as Prince Charming went in search of his dream girl who had left it behind. But, it was the amazingly talented cast of Theatre Workshop of Nantucket’s production of Cinderella (directed by Justin…

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02 Dec 2014

All Dolled Up On Nantucket

Who can forget the image of Clark Griswold’s illuminated house in National Lampoon’s box office hit Christmas Vacation. With lights strung from front to back, rooftop to cellar, the extravagant “masterpiece” had Aunt Bethany asking, “Is your house on fire Clark?” To which Clark (played by the hilarious and unforgettable Chevy Chase) responded, “No Aunt…

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18 Nov 2014

Stop And Grow On Nantucket

In her 1970’s blockbuster hit, “Big Yellow Taxi,” Joni Mitchell reminds all of us that “we don’t know what we got ’til it’s gone.” She also causes us to pause and consider the wisdom in “paving paradise to put up a parking lot” (so to speak). For those of us who love Nantucket and who…

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