Shellie's Blog

22 Aug 2017

Your Nantucket

In his 1969 collection of essays titled “Spirit of Place,” author Lawrence Durrell concludes that “it is a pity indeed to travel and not get this essential sense of landscape values. You do not need a sixth sense for it. It is there if you just close your eyes and breathe softly.” He goes on…

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08 Aug 2017

Nantucket Summer Friends

In the 1986 film “Stand By Me,” The Writer concludes that he “never had any friends later on like the ones he had when he was twelve.” He goes on to beg the question, “does anyone?” Childhood friends truly are some of the best friends. They share your history, remember your beginnings and “knew you…

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25 Jul 2017

Nantucket Thrifty

The elegantĀ Helen MirrenĀ once said, “The whole thing of clothes is insane. You can spend a dollar on a jacket in a thrift store. And you can spend a thousand dollars on a jacket in a shop. And if you saw those two jackets walking down the street, you probably wouldn’t know which was which.” With…

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11 Jul 2017

Artistry on Nantucket…

Famed American photographer Ansel Adams inferred that he would often arrive at places just as God was ready to have someone click the shutter. Adams was legendary for his technical prowess with the camera, but perhaps best known for capturing the sentiment and emotion of the American landscapes that were not only his subjects, but…

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27 Jun 2017

Patriotism on Nantucket

In his 1992 country ballad, “Some Gave All,” Billy Ray Cyrus implores us to love our country, live with pride and not to forget those who died. As Cyrus recounts the words of his hero friend who went to war a boy and returned a man, he’s reminded that there are many who still don’t…

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