Shellie's Blog

31 Oct 2017


In his 1972 hit single, “Lean On Me,” Bill Withers reminds us how important it is to help out our fellow man (or woman, or child). “Sometimes in our lives we all have pain, we all have sorrow,” he croons, as a stark reminder that sooner or later we all go through something. He goes…

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17 Oct 2017

Nantucket Abundance

In her 2009 best seller, “Handle With Care,” Nantucket Book Festival featured author Jodi Picoult reminds us to focus on things we are certain of. “I closed my eyes, she says, and curled my fists around the things I knew for sure: That a scallop has thirty-five eyes, all blue. That a tuna will suffocate…

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03 Oct 2017

Jose and Co. Visits Nantucket

Time Magazine’s 1986 Woman of the Year and Asia’s first female president, Corazon “Cory” Aquino, once concluded, “Faith is not simply a patience that passively suffers until the storm is past. Rather, it is a spirit that bears things…with blazing, serene hope.” This was a woman who knew first-hand about the storms of life and…

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19 Sep 2017


 In one of his many memorable monologues from the 1991 hit remake, “Father of the Bride,” superstar Steve Martin reminisces about a lifetime of experiences his daughter has had both in their family home and in their small community. Later, on the eve of the highly anticipated nuptial day, father and daughter share an intimate…

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05 Sep 2017

Nantucket Neighbors

I may have been only a toddler when Fred Rogers waltzed into our neighborhood in the mid-60’s, but like every American who owned a television my life was transformed and forever impacted by this gentle gracious man who taught us all what it means to love your neighbor. It was always a beautiful day in…

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